- El Rancho, Waikanae
20th — 24th January
Twenty Twenty Five
- El Rancho, Waikanae
20th — 24th January
Twenty Twenty Five
Get Ready
2025 It’s
rvest Season
- El Rancho, Waikanae
20th — 24th January
Twenty Twenty Five
On our hearts this year is the theme “GET READY: It’s Harvest Season”. This theme is inspired by Matthew 9:36-38 NLT which says “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”
Our prayer for this camp, is that every young person would be activated to make a difference in their world by carrying the message of Christ. The way we live and the stories we tell are testimonies of the life changing power of the gospel. Just as the unschooled and ordinary disciples in Acts 4:13 boldly shared, our prayer is that we would leave this camp ready to share our faith. As we draw close to God, we pray we would know His heart more, and be sent out to fulfil His great commission.
We are excited to announce our guest speaker Ps Isaiah Simmons from Youth Alive Queensland. We have personally been so inspired by the ministry of Ps Isaiah and the move of God he is leading amongst the young people of Queensland. Ps Isaiah is gifted at activating leaders, speaking faith, preaching with conviction, and creating room for the Holy Spirit to move. We know we are going to be so blessed by his ministry.
We are excited for Summer Camp 2025, and are ready for all God is going to do!
Love Ed and Vic Bamford-Bryant.
Guest speaker

Isaiah Simmons
Youth Alive QLD – Director
Queensland, Australia
Arise team

Vic Bamford-Bryant

Ed Bamford-Bryant

Ben Kendrew
You will need to purchase a travel ticket alongside your registration – this is a subsidised ticket which includes your travel to and from Hamilton on both Monday and Friday.
Wellington, Kapiti, Masterton and Palmerston North:
No transport is included in the registration cost. Delegates will need to find their own way to camp – We encourage you to chat to your local youth team to organise a carpooling plan with other families!
See arrival and pick up times below.
Christchurch, Dunedin, Selwyn and Whangarei:
Airport bus is included in your registration cost but you will need to book your own flights.
To help with costs as we understand flights are expensive, we would love to offer a small discount code to flying delegate’s registrations – use SC25-FLY at checkout.
Please book your flights in the following window:
Arrive in Wellington between 12pm and 3pm on Monday
Depart Wellington between 9am and 2pm on Friday.
Please let your local youth pastor know once you have booked your flights so we can coordinate airport meeting comms and seats on the bus.
Whangarei driving:
If you are catching the Whangarei driving transport, please arrange times with the local team. You will not be able to use the flying discount above.
Monday arrival: Delegates can arrive at campsite between 2:30pm and 5pm.
Friday pick up: Delegates can be picked up from campsite between 10am and 10:30am.
All female delegates and male travelling (Hamilton and flying locations) delegates will be assigned cabins within their campuses and Life Groups. They will still need to bring their own bedding.
Our non-flying male delegates will be tenting – they will need to coordinate a tenting plan with their youth leader and Life Group, and also bring their own sleeping mat and bedding.
Check out the programme below, or in our delegate booklet – this is subject to change.
Tribal Wars
Your teenager will be part of Tribal Wars. They can pick their tribe when they register but get in quick because tribes will sell out! They will need to bring their tribe colours to camp.
Packing list
- Clothes for five days
- Togs and toiletries (incl. sunscreen)
- Tribal Wars gear
- Sleeping bag and pillow
- Water bottle
- Sleeping mat and tent (non-flying males only)
Optional items:
- Bible and notebook (highly recommended)
- Money for the canteen
- $47 for a limited edition Summer Camp tee
- Your cellphone – note that all devices are your responsibility
Note: this camp is drug free, alcohol free, and smoke/vape free. If any of these items are found on site they will be confiscated immediately. This includes all vaping products.
We are having baptisms on the Thursday morning of Summer Camp, at 11:30am.
If your teenager would like to get baptised, their parent/guardian must fill out this permission form. Our team will be in contact once filled out.
This is a significant moment so of course family and friends are invited to come be a part of it. They will need to sign in/out at the auditorium for when they are onsite.
If family are unable to come, don’t worry, we will capture the moment on photo/video, and make sure they have access to this after Summer Camp.
Sign in/out + leave passes
If anyone arriving or leaving the campsite outside of the Monday drop-off and Friday departure window, they will need to sign in/out on the tablet outside Redwood (next to the trailer). No exceptions.
If an under 18 delegate needs to leave the campsite before Friday, they will need to have an approved leave pass. Their parent/guardian needs to fill out a request for this. We will send them back the approved leave pass. Email us for a leave pass.
Before the young person leaves camp, they will need to sign out from the sign-out tablet outside Redwood (and sign back in when they return).
Part-time parent support
We have a few slots on our parents roster that need filling! These include supervising activities, being part of sessions, first aid, or security.
If you are interested in being a part time parent helper at Summer Camp please contact us at
To make enough time for your police vet to be processed, we kindly ask you let us know by 8th December 2024.
Health, Safety and Wellbeing
The El Rancho campsite and our ARISE Youth events are all alcohol, smoke and drug free – this includes all vape products (including nicotine free). If these items are found onsite, they will be confiscated until the end of the event, and where necessary the police will be informed. This does not include medication which has been clearly stated on the registration form.
All of our team are police vetted and adhere to the ARISE Child and Young Persons Protection policy. We will have a trained first aid team on site at all times. Please make sure you mention any allergies or medical conditions when you fill out their registrations.
Our parents and security teams will be present across the campsite at all times including overnight security.
In every accommodation area we will have over 18 leaders assigned to ensure the safety and check up on the wellbeing of your young person.
All delegates are unable to leave the campsite at any time unless they have an approved leave pass. If your child is leaving the campsite at any point during the camp, to access a leave pass please email as soon as possible.
Dietary requirements
We have done our best to cater for all who stated a dietary requirement/allergy on their registration prior to the 10th of January. El Rancho kitchen are only able to cater under the categories: vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, dairy free.
These meals will be named and available at every meal at the “special diets” sign. If you have an allergy more specific and are concerrned about accidentally consuming something, please email us at and we can send you back a copy of the menu as well as the kitchen’s list of common allergies they cater for.
Donations and financial support
Thanks to the generosity of our church family across the country we have limited funds available to assist families who need financial assistance for their young people’s registrations. If you would like to be considered for this, please talk to your local youth pastor as soon as possible, we would love to do everything we can to help get your young person to camp.
If you would like to give towards helping another family get to camp, that would be greatly appreciated. You can do this through the church PushPay by selecting the Summer Camp dropdown, at your local service at the G&R/Welcome table or by clicking here.
Car parking at camp
We want to limit cars at camp due to limited car parking so if possible, please carpool or get dropped off to Summer Camp.
Note: If you are bringing your car to camp, then you will not have access to it throughout camp.
Rules and pranking guidelines
We have rules at Summer Camp to ensure that everyone is respected and safe. If these rules are broken, there will be consequences which could include being sent home from Summer Camp.
Please refer to the delegate booklet for a copy of these rules.
Subject to change
- 2:30pm – 5pm: Registrations open
- 5:30pm – 6:30pm: Canteen open
- 6pm: Dinner
- 7:15pm: Doors open
- 7:30pm: Session 1
- 9:15pm: Life Group time
- 10:30pm: Curfew
- 11pm: Quiet time
- 7am: Chapel
- 7:30am: Breakfast in Pinewood
- 9:45am: Doors open
- 10am: Session 2
- 11:30am: Breakouts
- 12:30pm: Lunch
- 1:45pm: Tribal Teams gather
- 2:15pm: Tribal Wars
- 3pm: Free time (canteen open)
- 5:30pm: Dinner
- 5:45pm: The Wheel
- 6pm: Free time (canteen open)
- 7:15pm: Doors open
- 7:30pm: Session 3
- 9:30pm: Life Group time
- 10:30pm: Curfew
- 11pm: Quiet time
- 7am: Chapel
- 7:30am: Breakfast in Pinewood
- 9:45am: Doors open
- 10am: Session 4
- 11:30am: Breakouts
- 12:30pm: Lunch
- 1:45pm: Tribal Teams gather
- 2:15pm: Tribal Wars
- 3pm: Free time (canteen open)
- 5:30pm: Dinner
- 5:45pm: The Wheel
- 6pm: Free time (canteen open)
- 7:15pm: Doors open
- 7:30pm: Session 5
- 9:30pm: Life Group time
- 10:30pm: Curfew
- 11pm: Quiet time
- 7am: Chapel
- 7:30am: Breakfast in Pinewood
- 9:45am: Doors open
- 10am: Session 6
- 11:30am: Baptisms
- 12:30pm: Lunch
- 1:45pm: Tribal Teams gather
- 2:15pm: Tribal Wars
- 3:30pm: Free time (canteen open)
- 5:30pm: Dinner
- 5:45pm: The Wheel
- 6pm: Free time (canteen open)
- 7:15pm: Doors open
- 7:30pm: Session 7
- 9:30pm: Free time
- 10:15pm: All in at Redwood: Talent Quest & more
- 11:30pm: Curfew
- 12am: Quiet time
- 5am: Self-service breakfast
- 6am: Airport bus #1 leaves
- 7am: The Wake Up
- 8am: Cabins clear
- 8:30am: Campsite areas clean up
- 8am – 10am: Hamilton, Whangarei, Airport buses leave
- 10am – 10:30am: Wellington pick-up time